Sunday, February 28, 2010
Crazy life-sign me up
Sadly, I didn't get any crafting done this week. Too much work and too little playtime. Tomorrow is the start of the second week of the OPB sew along, so hopefully I can get myself caught up these next few days. I also signed up for the wardrobe refashion challenge. It is going to be hard not to shop for new things, but my wallet will surely thank me. I have a couple of tops that need altering, so I am going to start with those. Simple, but at least it will get me started in the refashioning world. I have always loved thrifting, but if something didn't fit right I would never buy it. Now it is going to be a challenge for me to pick up these pieces and create something with them.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Oh Geez!
I feel as if I have been working nonstop lately! I worked all weekend and then started my new job today. I can't wait for Saturday to get here! I am hoping to be able to do a little crafting in the next few days and I can't wait to start on my skirt with the OPB Sew Along! Now I just need to decide which of the fabrics I am going to use. Decisions, Decisions...
As a side note, my friend Whitney loved the robot that I made for my little Dill Pickle. Happy 1st birthday my main man!
As a side note, my friend Whitney loved the robot that I made for my little Dill Pickle. Happy 1st birthday my main man!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Felt Rocks!
I decided to make some cute felt flowers today. They are going to be made into pins once I get some pin backs from my mom. (Thanks mom!)
For my flower I decided to use one of my many fabulous buttons in my stash. Plus I love pink and black so I think it is awesome!
I made the other one for my friend Sarah. It is the color of her beloved ECU Pirates so she should be pretty excited.
One a side note, I did make it to the store today and got some really beautiful dove gray fabric for the sew along! I also signed up for the Wardrobe Refashion, which is not only going to be exciting, but challenging!
Sew Along!
Things have been pretty quite here on the crafting front. I am getting ready to start a new job and my days have been filled with different appointments and tons of paperwork! I am excited about starting the sew along with One Pearl Button's Alli. The sew along is going to be for a really cute skirt, I haven't decided yet if I am going to make it for myself or someone else because with my body type, I generally avoid skirts, dresses are definitely more my thing. I have wanted to try and sew clothes for quite awhile though, so I am excited about this undertaking. I am going to go out today and get my fabric!
Friday, February 12, 2010
Snow Time
It is snowing again here in NC. This is the most snow that we have gotten in quite a long time. Sadly I have to work again this weekend so I won't be able to enjoy playing out in the snow. On a side note, everyone has loved my robot for my nephew. I can't wait to get it sent off to him. In the mean time I need to figure out what I am going to do for my friend Sloane's birthday. I have no inspiration as of late! Hopefully something will come to mind pretty soon.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Zipper Virgin!
So I have never actually used a zipper in any of my crafting. I am unsure as to why, but I am thinking it could be that I am in love with buttons and like to use them instead. Anyways, awhile back one of my friends mentioned needing a makeup bag. She has been under a lot of stress lately and I thought making her one would cheer her up. None of my craft books had what I wanted so I kinda winged it and it didn't come out too badly I must say.
I heart robots!
So I posted a few days ago about my nephews upcoming birthday and how I wanted to make him a present. Yesterday I decided to give it a go and here is what I came up with...
I decided to use felt which is quickly becoming one of my favorite things in the world! I made the decision to make a robot after searching the internet for cute toys for boys because I thought it would be the easiest thing. People are so amazing with their homemade octopus', horses, pirate ships and such. I am definitly not at that level yet. So here is the head and the body. It took the most time to sew the head onto the body, but I did some multi-tasking and did it while watching some TV!
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Birthday Ideas
My "nephew" is about to turn one and I want to make him something for this special occasion. I have been searching the internet trying to find some cute ideas for handmade toys. There are so many creative people out there. I think I am going to attempt to make him a stuffed robot out of felt. I have some ideas and I think that it will be a fairly simple process. I am going to draw up some ideas this weekend and hopefully get started next week.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Don't cry over spilled rice...
I was feeling slightly better today and decided that I wanted to try and attempt to work in my craft room. Back in December one of my friends made a comment that she really missed having her rice neck warmer and I thought that I could make her one to replace her missing one. I finally used the awesome Christmas presents my parents got me, my self healing cutting board and my rotary cutters. They worked like a charm!
I went through my scrap material and found this brightly colored fabric that I thought my friend Meg would really enjoy and I just sewed away. I was also very impressed with myself in that I only spilled the rice once while making the roll insert. At the very end I decided to add snaps instead of sewing the neck roll completely together so that the outside could be washed and the inside roll changed if needed. In hindsight I should have made this decision earlier because my seams are not even at the top, but I think Meg will enjoy it all the same.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Blah, not feeling too well today and I had so many things that I wanted to do today, including crafting. Hopefully I will be feeling better tomorrow so I can get some crafting done.
Monday, February 1, 2010
New Artwork!
This is what happens when you combine some old frames and cute scrapbook paper in order to make some new fun wall art!
It was a fairly easy process. I just picked out some of my favorite quotes about nature (my bathroom is "nature" themed) and printed them out on the scrapbook paper, popped them in the frames and then TADA!!! New artwork that was cheap and easy.
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